Introducing youth to perennial groundcover

Research through the eyes of children can’t help but be inspirational. That’s a key takeaway from the latest video featuring our RegenPGC perennial groundcover project.

Maya Hayslett, Iowa State University Extension Crop Sciences Youth Education Specialist, and RegenPGC collaborator produced this video, “Youth Explore Innovative Ag Practices with Iowa 4-H and RegenPGC.” You might ask yourself why a research team is making a youth-focused video. As Maya notes, “Youth are the future workforce and decision-makers, and we know that 4H youth have a history of early adoption of agricultural technology”.

Maya and her team did a fantastic job showing how youth in grades 4-12 can benefit from exposure to science and research through age-appropriate, hands-on activities. Pairing experienced youth educators like Maya with teachers and children demonstrates how children and adolescents’ natural curiosity sparks learning.